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Cicada Invasion Billions Of Brood Xiii And Xix To Emerge In The Midwest And Southeast

Cicada Invasion: Billions of Brood XIII and XIX to Emerge in the Midwest and Southeast

Get Ready for the Noisy Symphony

This spring, two broods of cicadas will emerge from the earth in a synchronized spectacle that will create a cacophony of sound across the Midwest and Southeast. Brood XIII and Brood XIX, both with 17-year lifespans, will share the stage for the first time in this rare dual emergence.

Map the Madness

The blue map dots indicate the areas where Brood XIII cicadas will emerge, while the red dots represent the regions where Brood XIX has already made its presence known. This double threat of cicadas is expected to be an unprecedented event, with billions of these insects taking flight.

Prepare for the Impact

Whether you're eagerly anticipating the arrival of these ephemeral creatures or dreading their deafening chorus, it's time to prepare for the cicada invasion. These insects can be a nuisance, but they also play a vital role in the ecosystem. Their emergence provides a feast for birds, small mammals, and other predators, boosting biodiversity in the region.

More to Come

Stay tuned for updates on this extraordinary event as cicada sightings continue to pour in. We'll bring you the latest news, fascinating facts, and captivating stories about these remarkable creatures and their remarkable journey.
